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DC Daily Report: Will The Bears Pullback To A Higher Low Or Bull Break Out Closing The Sell Gap?

DOGECOIN: Review + Close Of The Day


15min chart

◘ Opening trending trading range into a Bull break out turns reversal 2-leg Bear break out ◘ Bears scalped Bulls Bought the reversal for 4 legs up into a wedge closing the day high ◘ DOGE is 3rd in compared performance on the 15 min chart

DOGEUSDT 15minute chart, 20 Exponential Moving Average, Volume Bars Source: dcworldnews, tradingview charts

DOGE 15minute line chart, performance comparison with BTC, ETH, ADA, XRP, MANA Source: dcworldnews, tradingview charts

Daily Chart

◘ Today formed a Bull hammer at the top of the 3rd leg up closing above the 20ema

◘ Bears sold for a scalp and reversed into a Bull break out ◘ Bulls may want to close the Bear sell gap but look to take profit along the way up ◘ Bears may want a 20ema gap break out short for a scalp to 0.059 ◘ DOGE is 3rd in compared performance on the YTD Daily chart

DOGEUSDT Daily chart, 20 Exponential Moving Average, Volume Bars, Trend Lines Source: dcworldnews, tradingview charts

DOGEUSDT Daily line chart, performance comparison with BTC, ETH, ADA, XRP, MANA Source: dcworldnews, tradingview charts

Do Bulls break out to a higher high closing the Bear sell gap? Are Bears ready to break out scalp down to 0.059 or lower?

Will DOGE form a minor pullback into a higher low continuing sideways along the 20ema?

What are your thoughts? Watch DC Charts Live and Stay Tuned For Tomorrow's Report! _________________________________________________________________________ by Digital Currency World News, 06-26-22 00:20UTC _________________________________________________________________________ #doge#dogecoin#crypto#priceaction#digital#currency#world#news#btc#eth#mana#ada#xrp *This is not Trading Nor Financial Advice.

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